Thursday, November 6, 2014


It's a blustery fall day in Magnolia, Texas and I'm feverishly setting up my social media accounts for Terra Vida Primal Living Studios.  I'm taking time to look out the window at the breeze blowing through what's left of my butterfly garden and watch the chickens scratch for grubs.  It's peaceful and I enjoy seeing what life and growth I've fostered over the past few years at my homestead. Tonight will be a full moon and a cold front is settling in, making it really seem like autumn has arrived.  Changes, changes, everywhere you look. 

I'm nervous, yet giddy, to start this business in earnest.  I have so many thoughts and so many ideas I don't know where to start most days, so I'm blanketing them all under the "Primal Living" name.   

Primal, by definition, means original, primaeval, fundamental. While technology is wonderful, and has its place, I have been feeling a yearning to get back to basics.  I delight in the food that we were meant to eat, from local sources, that support the nearby farmers that genuinely care.  I know my farmers - Hans and Jason.  They're amazing.  

Fermentation is also an ancient, fundamental, technique of food preservation that is being lost.  Luckily for us, we now know that eating raw fermented foods provides our gut with loads of beneficial bacteria that help us digest food and counteract the problematic effects of taking antibiotics.   I'm a gut bacteria fanatic!  In my fermentation classes I teach how to ferment and why it is SO good for you!

I also try to use mostly handmade bath products, and I try not to put anything on my skin that can't be eaten.  Everything you put on your body is absorbed through your pores.  Think about that.  There are some nasty chemicals out there, used in lots of shampoos and washes and makeup.  With any luck I'll be making and selling good-for-you soaps and scrubs and more! Hopefully a friend will be joining me in this endeavor. 

My other interests include gluten free baking and jewelry making.  I am also a certified Eating Psychology Coach, where I can help guide you to eat and live mindfully.  I'll talk more about these things in another post.  I have a Facebook business account to set up!  
